Ketotifen ocular

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KETOFALL 250microgram/ml eye drops unit dose preservative-free ketotifen 250microgram/ml eye drops ketotifen 250microgram/ml eye drops unit dose preservative-free ZADITEN 250microgram/ml eye drops

Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis treatment

Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis treatment

Pregnancy and Lactation Monograph Side Effects Allergic contact dermatitis Allergic reaction Blurred vision (transient) Conjunctivitis Dry eyes Dry mouth Eczema Epithelial punctate keratitis Exacerbation of pre-existing asthma Exacerbation of pre-existing eczema Eye irritation Eye pain Eyelid oedema Eyelid pruritus Eyelid reaction Facial oedema Headache Hypersensitivity reactions Ocular oedema Photophobia Punctate epithelial erosions of eye (transient) Rash Somnolence Subconjunctival haemorrhage Urticaria

Children under 3 years